
Parasites in Humans

Parasites in Humans

Parasites in Humans

By Dr. Val


Parasites are anything that is living off a host, whether human, animal, or plant. They can be as small as a single-celled organism like yeast, to an actual insect or a tumorous growth. Parasites not only suck the organism’s life force but also cause problems with excretions of toxins into said lifeform. They can damage or destroy whatever organ they are found in as well as cause an over-all poisoning, depending on what type of parasite is involved. Parasites have life-cycles, just like other living organisms. They also have their preferred hosts and some require a couple different hosts to complete their life-cycles. Parasites are not to be confused with lifeforms that have a symbiotic relationship with hosts, such as the bacteria in our intestines, which provide necessary vitamins/minerals/enzymes that help us to be healthy.


Unless there is an overgrowth of parasites, most people don’t even notice them, but EVERYONE has some. They come from the foods we eat or drink, contact with soil, plants, or animals, from other people, and from airborne attacks such as chem-trails. Reportedly they are also included in “vaccinations” which are actually bioweapons...but THAT is a whole other subject. Symptoms of parasitosis run the gamut of vagueness: fatigue, vomiting/nausea, diarrhea, itching, rash, muscle pains, chills/fever, abdominal pain/bloating, cough, nodules/boils/bumps/lumps.


Conventional Medicine


Step 1 in conventional medicine is to establish the type of parasitic organism involved, which usually will involve lab tests and visual examination of the organism. If none can be easily seen the diagnosis of Delusional Parasitosis may be declared and will follow the patient through the rest of their medical visits. Usually no further attempts will be made to find parasites. Step 2, if parasites are found, involves the appropriate drugs to kill the parasites. Step 3 is lab tests to confirm eradication of the parasites. Hydroxychloroquine is given as an anti-malarial, and Ivermectin is more of a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic that is usually given to children with pinworms, which is very common in kids due to sitting on the dirt. Both are quite safe and effective and have been used by millions of people all around the world for over 40 years. Here is a good list of types of parasites/symptoms:



Alternative Medicine


Step 1 in alternative medicine is the same as with conventional medicine: identify the parasitic organism. If none is found on first examination, a repeat exam will be done usually within 3 weeks, to catch any hatching eggs. If still no confirmation, the patient will be instructed to eat a high-sugar diet for 3 days, then the tests will be performed again (the parasites will come out of hiding to eat the sugar). Once confirmed, the appropriate drug or natural remedy will be applied, with repeat testing done in 3-6 weeks, until all clear. A detox to “open the emunctories” (organs of elimination) will be recommended to be sure everything gets cleared out. The appropriate remedies will include 3 stages of attack: anti-parasitic, then anti-bacterial, then anti-fungal. This is because the parasites harbor bacteria, which will come out when the parasites die off. Then when the anti-bacterial kills off the bacteria, which harbour fungi, an anti-fungal is given. After that comes another cleanse/detox. The patient will also be instructed in how to maintain a parasite-free existence but people tend to fall back into their normal habits, so it’s good to do a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.


Chinese medicine and acupuncture rely on the bitter herbs such as artemisia, myrr, salvia, clove, black walnut, etc (same for western botanical medicine). In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), bile is considered to have compounds that kill intestinal parasites, so herbs that increase bile are important.


Traditional homeopathy addresses not only the acute process but also the chronic miasm, combined with detox/cleansing. The treatment usually starts with a single dose Sulphur 200C, followed by Cina 30C one dose daily for about a month, to expel both parasites and their eggs. Usually a “constitutional” remedy will be given as well, to support normal body functioning; this type of remedy is determined in a homeopathic interview.


(C)2022 Dr. Valerie Olmsted  All Rights Reserved Worldwide




By Noeline Levinson

This is one of those topics that nobody wants to think or talk about, yet we all harbour various types of fungi, bacteria, viruses and yes, parasites! We actually can’t exist without organisms such as bacteria, as they are vital to our digestive processes and assimilation of nutrients. A problem occurs when our wonderful immune system starts to struggle to hold everything in balance and is unable to control the pesky troublemakers like parasites and fungi to prevent domination. The key to a balanced co-habitation of species has to do with acid-alkaline balance.

What is Acid-Alkaline Balance?

The pH balance in the body is also referred to as the acid-alkaline balance. The pH scale ranges from 0-14, with 7 being neutral. The lower the number, the more acidic and vice versa. There are two areas of pH, one being the blood pH (healthy range 7.34-7.45), and the other one the stomach pH (healthy range 1.5-3.5). The blood pH has a narrow range, which is important to maintain. If this gets out of balance, medical emergencies can develop, such as asthma, diabetes, heart/lung disease, gout, infection, shock, bleeding, poisoning. The two main organs that regulate blood pH are the lungs and the kidneys. We can control the balance of pH with foods that are more alkaline than acid.

When the body is in an acid state, the immune system is challenged and disease can develop. Fungi and Parasites thrive in an acid environment, and so does cancer. Sugar in a refined form such as white sugar or HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) is like a black hole – it has NO nutritional value and therefore attracts nutrients from the blood stream to itself, robbing the body of energy sources. To maintain a healthy blood pH, a guideline of 80/20 is recommended. On a nutritional scale, this means a diet of 80% alkaline foods (mainly green leafy vegetables and fruits) and 20% acid forming foods (meat, grain, processed foods). A comprehensive table shows which foods are falling into which category and is available online. However, if someone is already in a state of illness, a stricter diet is recommended.

Parasites can settle in the gut, the liver, the lungs, and the brain.  It should be noted that parasites are never the only cause of ill health but are one factor amongst many that lead to imbalance. Chronic fatigue, brain fog, lack of concentration, headaches, hayfever, gut dysbiosis are but a few symptoms that can result from parasitic infestation, but it is important to note here that other issues can lead to those symptoms. It is always helpful to investigate the original cause of the current state of health to successfully resolve any health imbalances and reinstate wellbeing.


What can we do about it?

  1. Aluminium free baking soda. Half a tsp in warm water, morning and night for two weeks, to start with. This will help to start the process of killing off parasites. They don’t like a more alkaline environment.
  2. Alkala powder and Sanuvis. These come from a company called Sanum. This can only be purchased from a Sanum registered practitioner. I can help you to find your nearest person for this.

The powder acts much like the bicarb to alkalise the body and the Sanuvis is excellent at mopping up the excess acid. Sometimes caused by the die off of parasites.

  1. Basica powder, yet another great alkalising powder. This also a practitioner only range.
  2. MMS – brilliant for the treatment of parasites, and much more. The protocol is a bit more challenging but the results are excellent.
  3. Diatemaceous earth – inexpensive, also a powder, can be put into your morning smoothing to drink. Excellent for parasites. In fact there is a mix you can purchase that is a combination of diatemacous earth, zeolite, activated charcoal and bentonite clay. This can also do the trick.
  4. Thieves Oil – another very good anti parasitic

Look for the anti parasitics you have available in your country.  I suggest that one can safely start with the bicarb, aluminium free, and that will buy you enough time to start the alkalising process, while you get some of the other products listed above to really get the process underway.

There are a number of different options to choose from and of course Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine fit in here too.





By Dr. Val & Noeline

A tremor is an involuntary muscle contraction that is classified as a "movement disorder." It can occur constantly or be intermittent and is usually rhythmic in nature. Tremors usually signal injury to the part of the brain that controls physical movements. Some tremors can be inherited, others caused by various diseases and some have unknown causes. Tremors are further delineated by how and when they occur.

Conventional Medical
Standard assessment (physical exam) and neurologic tests are used to diagnose the type of tremor, along with lab tests to determine if a disease is the cause. An electromyogram may be ordered as well. Once the underlying disease is identified, treatment addresses that, often resulting in alleviating the tremor. Drugs to treat the tremor may include beta-blockers, anti-seizure medications, tranquilizers, levodopa/carbidopa, or Botox. "Focused Ultrasound" treatments may be used to destroy a small portion of the brain thought to be the problem area. Electrodes might be implanted for DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) to deliver a small pulse that disables the tremor. Thalamotomy involves surgery to precisely destroy a small area of the brain and has largely been replaced by Radiofrequency Ablation, which sends a radio wave to interrupt the nerve signaling ability, which can last up to 6 months. PT (Physical Therapy), ST (Speech Therapy) and/or OT (Occupational Therapy) is usually added to help the patient improve muscle control and function.

Standard things to eliminate are caffeine and other stimulants. Sometimes a small amount of wine can be helpful, especially with BET (Benign Essential Tremor).

Alternative Medical
While the standard diagnosis and non-invasive treatments mentioned above will also be employed by alternative physicians, there are many additional treatments such as chiropractic, neurotransmitter (amino acid) therapy, Ayurvedic, homeopathic, nutritional, acupuncture and oriental medicine, and quantum biofeedback that will be used. Many times a supervised cleanse/detox will be recommended, as tremors may also be caused by parasitic infestation and/or toxin buildup. Many drugs given by conventional doctors for symptoms of tremors may cause further problems, while doing nothing to correct the cause. In the case of neurotransmitter depletion, this can be corrected with amino acid therapy. Epsom salts baths, using the most pure Epsom salts available, together and also taking a very good quality magnesium citrate would be highly beneficial. Avoiding stimulants is also recommended. Lastly, the homeopathic remedy Buthotus Tamalus V21 (red scorpion) has been shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms of tremors. It is suggested that in order to take that particular homeopathic, that you contact a homeopath, to oversee the dosage and protocol properly.


(C) 2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

The No Pills Depression Solution

The No Pills Depression Solution

The No-pills Depression Solution

By Dr. Val


The way out of depression is not pill-laden, unless the depression is so severe that a prescription is the only way to ensure the person will not commit suicide or homicide. The problem with taking medication for every little upset has to do with what the drugs do: sedate the feelings. To work through the feelings and come to grips with what is happening requires that one actually feels and releases the emotions. Some drugs are more suppressive than others, such as the benzodiazepine class, which subdue the emotions so greatly that progress is unable to be made until the patient is off the medication.


Some people have a lifelong clinical depression due to lack of certain brain chemistry, but most have what is called Situational Depression. Still others have cyclical depression that can be tied to seasons or due to Bipolar Disease. The most common type of depression is caused by...well...depressing situations. We all go through such times, when disappointment piles upon disappointment or sudden changes in our lives make us feel vulnerable. Don't be afraid to feel the difficult emotions, they serve the purpose of alerting us to the need for change. In fact, the healthiest way to weather situational depression is to feel it, examine it and work through it. There are plenty of psychologists out there who would love to have your business, as well there are millions of energy healers, hypnotherapists, NLP practitioners and mentors who are happy to help. There is big business in catering to people who are hurting from some situation such as sudden job loss, death of a loved one, devastating injury or illness or other experiences initiating depression.


The reason there are so many people out there available to help is because we all go through these times. We either learn how to deal with it ourselves or seek the help of others if we need it. The major clue as to actually needing professional help has to do with desiring to hurt self or others - that is the major warning flag that must be attended to. In extreme cases the person needs to be placed in a lock-down facility under a 72-hour hold, where they can be observed and medicated to prevent them from carrying out the harmful act.


Jokes about being homicidal rather than suicidal aside, society no longer allows the harming of another that has caused discomfort in someone. Sure, back in the old West or earlier times, one harmed another at risk of retaliation. Now we have police and courts to handle such problems. This change in human society is what has caused all of the labels of mental illness to be attached to certain states of emotional upheaval. So now we all just have to learn to deal with it in other ways. The bottom line is to seek help of some kind, whether it be a friend or family member, energy practitioner or professional therapist. Work through the depressive incident and realize that being depressed doesn't necessarily mean there is something wrong with you. It's a normal state we experience when life starts to pop some problems at us that cause us to be unhappy. We can change that. Find a healthy way to deal with it that works for you--that's HEALTHY, as in, not drugs, alcohol or hurting yourself or someone else. You are in charge of your life; if you don't like it, change it. If you don’t know how to do that, ask for help.


©2010 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Natural Tonsillitis Treatment - Step 3

Natural Tonsillitis Treatment - Step 3

Natural Tonsillitis Treatment - Step 3

By Dr. Val


When dealing with tonsillitis and adenoiditis with natural treatments, two steps need to be taken care of before the third, final step. First, the channels of elimination (skin, liver, kidneys and bowels) need to be clear and functioning well to clear toxins. Second, the pain and swelling need to be handled and third, any infections need to be stopped. In the case of tonsillitis and adenoiditis the infections are actually the end process, not the beginning. Perhaps that is why antibiotics have so little effect on the illness.

The third step in natural treatment involves discovering which opportunistic infectious organisms have set up shop in the tonsillar crypts, lingual tissue or lingual palate...or further, such as into the ears, sinuses, throat or lungs. There are some really good anti-bacterials that are natural, such as goldenseal root, grapefruit seed extract and vitamin C. Some of the botanicals one might choose to treat tonsillitis are also anti-viral and a few are anti-fungal. Viral infections are best treated with something like lomatium and sambucus nigra (desert parsley and black elderberry). Colloidal silver has anti-bacterial and some anti-viral capacity as well. Pau d'Arco is anti-fungal, as is garlic, neem, black walnut, calendula and goldenseal.


A clue as to what organisms are infecting the tonsils and adenoids comes from the color of the exudates (pus)...yellow, green or rust-color are normally bacterial. Viral is usually clear and fungal is usually white, black, or green-black. The best thing to do is to obtain a culture and have it analyzed by a lab, to be sure that the treatment is appropriate to the organism. This is usually more of a problem with a pharmaceutical anti-biotic than a natural one, due to the specificity of the drugs.


The key to treatment in step three is that of identifying the best botanical or mix to treat the infective organisms while also boosting the immune system. Immune boosters include CoQ10, ashwaganda, garlic, black elderberry, vitamin C, licorice and many more. Some of the immune boosters are 'tonic' which means they should not be given during the illness, such as Echinacea. A tonic herb will make the severity of the illness less but will also tonify the illness, making the duration longer.


Another area of treatment that is often overlooked is that of supplying the proper mix of beneficial flora (bacteria) to the bowel. A good mix would be one that contains more than just acidophilus; generally eight of the flora found in the intestines of babies is recommended. The best type of probiotic is human, which colonizes the intestines after about two weeks. Bovine bacteria are flushed out with each bowel movement and need to be resupplied constantly. The last step has to do with prevention, which hopefully would occur before step one but not always. Sometimes people have to get sick to realize more care should have been taken in the beginning. Keep the immune system strong, the emunctories (organs of elimination) clear, get proper rest and the likelihood of tonsillitis or adenoiditis is avoidable.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Natural Tonsillitis Treatment Step 2

Natural Tonsillitis Treatment Step 2

Natural Tonsillitis Treatment - Step 2

By Dr. Val


In treating tonsillitis with natural remedies, one must first clear the 'emunctories' (organs of elimination: skin, liver, kidneys and bowels). Once the toxins are flowing out of the body properly, there is a chance to reduce the inflammatory condition of the tonsils and adenoids. Beyond the use of ice packs to the throat every few hours and the drinking of ice water with lemon or lime juice in it, the next most important step is to stop the pain.

People who have tonsillitis or adenoiditis are really in a lot of pain and may be fearful due to the feeling of not being able to breathe or swallow. Tonsils and adenoids can sometimes swell to the point of obstructing breathing; that’s an emergency. The lymphoid tissue that makes up those little organs is roughly about 1⁄2 inch in diameter but can swell up impressively when infected. The swelling can actually close the airway in severe cases.

Natural pain relief measures include things like white willow bark, turmeric, boswellia or chamomile, which reduce the inflammatory process. Soothing herbals such as marshmallow root and slippery elm bark help with mucous membrane soreness. The more strong and drastic measure would be Tylenol #3 cough syrup with Codeine, which most naturopathic doctors will reserve as a last-ditch pain relief effort and is a controlled-substance prescription drug.


There are also homeopathic pain and tonsillitis remedies and acupuncture; these work by increasing the energy flow and helping to push toxins out of the body. Both of these methods of treatment can have quite dramatic and immediate effects on the level of pain and swelling experienced. Both also should be individualized to that particular patient. For instance, while homeopathic belladonna might be recommended commonly for the pain and inflammation of tonsillitis, it might not be the appropriate remedy for that particular person. A homeopathic or naturopathic physician would do a homeopathic interview to determine what would best suit that patient.

The natural methods of treating tonsillitis pain and swelling work far better than conventional medical methods because they don't add to the toxic situation that caused the problem in the first place. Remember, toxin buildup is what impacts the tonsils and adenoids; the bacteria and pus come along afterwards. Gargling with salt water, raw apple cider vinegar in water or other appropriate substances can assist with clearing toxins and reducing swelling also, which automatically reduces pain.


Once the toxin overload, pain and inflammation are handled, step three involves taking care of any opportunistic bacterial, viral or fungal infections. There are natural treatments for all three types of infections and these treatments do not have a negative impact on the gut flora like synthetic antibiotics do. Treating tonsillitis and adenoiditis naturally results in quicker and better healing; hopefully avoiding the necessity of removing the organs in question. Those organs have a remove infective and toxic materials that come in through mouth and nose, before they can harm the body.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwid

Natural Tonsillitis Treatment Step1

Natural Tonsillitis Treatment Step1

Natural Tonsillitis Treatment - Step 1

By Dr. Val


Got some swollen tonsils Boopsie? Got a doctor that wants to yank out those "useless lumps of flesh"? Whoa...hold on there...first of all, tonsils and adenoids are not 'useless'; they have a purpose and it has to do with being the first line of defense for the body. Made of lymphoid tissue, tonsils and adenoids produce scads of lymphocytes and antibodies when needed. The problem comes when the body is overwhelmed for one reason or another and those organs have to jump into action.


Tonsillitis and adenoiditis (inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids) can range from mild to severely painful and involves the swelling of the organs, sometimes to the point of obstructing breathing. There are things called crypts within the tissues, which can become clogged with lymphocytes (pus) and cause further problems. We want to keep our 'lil' frens' if possible; taking them out reduces the body’s energy by 5% permanently...permanently.


There are alternatives to conventional surgery; first and foremost is keeping the organs of elimination clear at all times. The old-fashioned term for the organs of elimination is 'emunctories' and includes skin, liver, kidneys and bowels. If things start to get backed up, the tonsils may have to kick into action. Constipation may seem harmless to most people but it isn't; it can cause a whole host of problems, including tonsillitis. Jokes about some people's heads being "stuck up where the sun don't shine" aside, constipation causes tonsillitis because of the reabsorption of toxins that go back into the bloodstream instead of being eliminated as planned.


There are palliative measures that can be taken for the pain of the sore throat of tonsillitis but the most effective reversal of the condition has to do with eliminating toxins pronto. A series of enemas or colonics, using alternating warm and cold water until the excreted water runs clear, is the quickest way to get toxins moving out of the body. Along with the enemas, fasting for a few days is also suggested. During the fast only water with lemon or lime juice should be ingested, along with some liquid minerals. If the person has diabetes fasting may not be an option; check with your physician as to the feasibility of fasting.


For sore throat, drink ice water but avoid becoming chilled. An ice pack to the throat every two or three hours can help reduce the inflammation and bring a measure of comfort. Ice also causes a reflex action of fresh blood to the area, which brings nutrients and oxygen and removes wastes. A hot bath with Epsom salts also helps to move toxins out of the body; be sure to rinse off thoroughly afterwards.


This first step in healing tonsillitis is one of the most important but is so often overlooked by conventional doctors. Alternative medicine doctors will suggest clearing the emunctories first and foremost because it makes sense and also clears the way for the next steps to work better. Removing pain and stopping the infective process are the next steps. The last step-preventing tonsillitis-should be the first step but usually is never thought of until after someone has swollen tonsils and adenoids. As in so many other things in Life, once one has suffered the pain of tonsillitis, one tends to become a believer in practicing prevention first.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide




By Dr. Val & Noeline

Also known as Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy, myocarditis is an inflammatory condition of the heart muscles. It can be caused by viral infection, a drug reaction, toxins, or another inflammatory condition such as autoimmune disease. Myocarditis can cause irregular/abnormal heart rhythm and can lead to sudden death. The symptoms of shortness of breath, chest pain, and/or fatigue can be vague at the beginning and become more severe if not treated.

Conventional Medical
"There is no curative treatment for myocarditis" according to standard medical knowledge. Treatments usually include blood pressure medications, beta-blockers to control the arrhythmias, diuretics, corticosteroids, and antibiotics or anti-viral medications. Recovery is possible, depending on severity of damage, but it can reoccur. Standard tests include physical exam, lab tests, ECG (electrocardiogram) and CT or MRI scans. Blood tests will usually include CBC with differential, serial cardiac enzymes, lipid panel, CMP/SMAC (blood chemistry), PT/PTT, D-dimer, FDP. Radiologic tests may include a chest X-ray, CTscan or MRI, Cardiac Angiogram.

Alternative Medical
Evaluations as noted above are ordered. Because myocarditis is an inflammatory process, standard alternative treatments include natural anti-inflammatory substances such as turmeric (Curcuma longa), frankincense (Boswellia serrata), nettles (Urtica dioca), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous), calendula (Calendula officinalis), cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa), bromelain and rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea). Since it can be caused by viral infection, anti-viral herbs may also be used, such as astragalus, reishi mushroom, and shenmai. There are too many other anti-viral botanical medicines to mention here but those are the most commonly used by alternative practitioners. There are also several herbs that may be given to control arrythmias and blood pressure (not mentioned here due to their toxic nature, requiring monitoring by a physician). Acupuncture can help to restore proper energy flow. Supplements such as CoQ10 (CoEnzyme Q10), Alpha-lipoic acid, and Hawthorn berry (Cratageous oxycantha) help support and protect the heart.


Homeopathy and Pleomorphic products can also be used, with quite powerful results. The homeopathic remedy Buthotus Tamulus V21 (red scorpion) has been found to be very effective in relieving the symptoms of Myocarditis. However, it is advised to contact a homeopath to oversee the dosage and protocol for best, safest effect.


(C) 2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Fatigue: The Difference Between Life & Death

Fatigue: The Difference Between Life & Death

Fatigue: The Difference Between Life & Death

By Dr. Val


Fatigue seems to be the number one 'disease' in the modern world today. As a result of our hectic lifestyles, where we try to fit as many things into our schedules as possible, this is perhaps no surprise. As a precursor to a disease state, fatigue is a vague symptom that precedes too many illnesses. Being able to tell the difference between the two major causes of fatigue can mean the difference between getting treatment in time to halt disease and sliding fast into a chronic disease state...or worse. Fatigue caused by too many things to do, excessive exercise, or stress is somewhat easily relieved by cutting a few things out of the schedule and taking steps to get restful sleep. It might seem obvious but most people would be very surprised to find out how many people visit doctors with a chief complaint of fatigue. The first thing the physician will do is tell the patient to 'slow down' and knock out as many stressful activities as possible. A new diet, nutritional supplements and a vacation are usually suggested, along with a set of stress-busting exercises and screening lab tests to rule out disease. In some cases the patient is advised to begin working with a psychologist, with cognitive behavioral therapy, to learn better life coping habits.


If the changes in lifestyle do not relieve the fatigue or if there are worrisome abnormalities, more tests or a medication regimen may be started. The problem with a diagnosis of undetermined fatigue is that it is such a vague symptom and a common feature in many disease states. The chief complaint of most women who are having heart attacks is fatigue... no chest pain or shortness of breath and maybe some dizziness but other than that, fatigue and weakness can be the only symptoms. Thanks to the vagueness of the symptoms--and the tendency of male doctors to brush the symptom off as 'stress'--thousands of female heart attack victims go undiagnosed...and many die.


Excessive tiredness is also the first major symptom of immune system problems. The immune system requires huge amounts of energy to function; flu symptoms are a good example of what an energy drain an activated immune system can be. Chronic and terminal disease states impact the energy of the body tremendously as it fights to throw off the cause and effects of disease. Being aware of the cause of fatigue can truly mean the difference between life and death. Sometimes the cause needs to be diagnosed immediately, such as in heart attack or stroke. At other times undiagnosed tiredness can signal a slippery slide into chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, oxidative stress that leads to other chronic degenerative diseases, or depression. Whatever the cause of exhaustion, it is not normal and should be dealt with immediately to avoid catastrophic problems later on. Sudden unexplained fatigue can be the only signal to a heart attack while fatigue after a day of unaccustomed busyness can be solved with a good night's sleep. When in doubt, speak to a triage nurse at your local emergency room or call your physician's office.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide



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