


By Dr. Val & Noeline

A tremor is an involuntary muscle contraction that is classified as a "movement disorder." It can occur constantly or be intermittent and is usually rhythmic in nature. Tremors usually signal injury to the part of the brain that controls physical movements. Some tremors can be inherited, others caused by various diseases and some have unknown causes. Tremors are further delineated by how and when they occur.

Conventional Medical
Standard assessment (physical exam) and neurologic tests are used to diagnose the type of tremor, along with lab tests to determine if a disease is the cause. An electromyogram may be ordered as well. Once the underlying disease is identified, treatment addresses that, often resulting in alleviating the tremor. Drugs to treat the tremor may include beta-blockers, anti-seizure medications, tranquilizers, levodopa/carbidopa, or Botox. "Focused Ultrasound" treatments may be used to destroy a small portion of the brain thought to be the problem area. Electrodes might be implanted for DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) to deliver a small pulse that disables the tremor. Thalamotomy involves surgery to precisely destroy a small area of the brain and has largely been replaced by Radiofrequency Ablation, which sends a radio wave to interrupt the nerve signaling ability, which can last up to 6 months. PT (Physical Therapy), ST (Speech Therapy) and/or OT (Occupational Therapy) is usually added to help the patient improve muscle control and function.

Standard things to eliminate are caffeine and other stimulants. Sometimes a small amount of wine can be helpful, especially with BET (Benign Essential Tremor).

Alternative Medical
While the standard diagnosis and non-invasive treatments mentioned above will also be employed by alternative physicians, there are many additional treatments such as chiropractic, neurotransmitter (amino acid) therapy, Ayurvedic, homeopathic, nutritional, acupuncture and oriental medicine, and quantum biofeedback that will be used. Many times a supervised cleanse/detox will be recommended, as tremors may also be caused by parasitic infestation and/or toxin buildup. Many drugs given by conventional doctors for symptoms of tremors may cause further problems, while doing nothing to correct the cause. In the case of neurotransmitter depletion, this can be corrected with amino acid therapy. Epsom salts baths, using the most pure Epsom salts available, together and also taking a very good quality magnesium citrate would be highly beneficial. Avoiding stimulants is also recommended. Lastly, the homeopathic remedy Buthotus Tamalus V21 (red scorpion) has been shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms of tremors. It is suggested that in order to take that particular homeopathic, that you contact a homeopath, to oversee the dosage and protocol properly.


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