Body Mind Connection

Is Sickness All In Our Minds

Is Sickness All In Our Minds

Is Sickness All In Our Minds?

By Dr. Val


For those suffering from a disease that has persisted despite all normally effective treatments, it may be time to consider other causes. The mind can bring on a physical state that mimics and becomes a named disease; there are numerous books and programs now that explain such things. From Alice Bailey's "Who's The Matter With Me?" to Louise Hay's numerous books on the subject, sometimes all that needs to be done is to consider the circumstances preceding the illness and take steps to deal with that. A good example is Adult Onset (Type II) Diabetes, which is considered by those authors as "the feeling that all of the sweetness of Life has been taken away." This usually occurs after a devastating change in life. The death of a much-beloved partner, sudden loss of income, or other traumatic experience can trigger disease. Mourning the loss of circumstances that provided happiness and comfort is, in effect, throwing a temper tantrum that upsets the entire body. The limbic system goes crazy, causing a change in hormones with each emotional hit. Most people go through major emotional disturbance with such difficult occurrences, but if healing of the emotions does not occur, the body may move into a more permanent disease state.


Medical science is now becoming more aware of such connections. Although slow to accept the person can actually cause disease due to mental-emotional upsets, some progress is being made. Broken Heart Syndrome is now listed as an actual medical diagnosis. The person left behind is often physically healthy and free of any known underlying disease but within three days to a year, that formerly healthy person may suddenly drop dead of a heart attack. The cause is actually unrelenting grief and inability to move on into healing that grief.


There are other patients who have worked hard throughout life and suffered multiple instances of catastrophic interferences, who suddenly have a stroke or heart attack and have to be taken care of. Such people usually have never taken time to rest. The idea of having to just lay there and let someone else minister to their most basic needs intrigues them. Some may revel in that care, loving the idea that someone has to feed and bathe them and even wipe their butt. Such patients often linger for ten years or more, enjoying every minute of attention they get. The type of person who enjoys such treatment is usually one known as a 'control freak' who enjoys manipulating others. Most stroke or heart-attack victims are impatient to get back to their normal lives. There are a few though, who really love the attention they get and have no intention of ever having to be responsible for anything again.


What about the common cold? Science may think it's due to a virus, but how does that explain the sudden onset in only one family member, when all have been together, away from outside influences? Upon examination, it is usually discovered that the afflicted one was feeling overwhelmed. A feeling of not being given enough responsibility, or, being given more than they felt they could handle triggers the illness. Once that issue is addressed, the 'cold' often resolves very quickly.


Human beings are complex creatures with ability to think themselves into health or illness. The more powerful the mind and emotions, the more quickly and intensely the health or disease manifests. Far from being helpless victims of the vagaries of life, humans are powerful manifestors who can bring the experiences needed. Unfortunately we learn best from the hard times, when we are challenged to the max...just ask anyone who routinely survives against all odds.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Health: A State of Mind

Health: A State of Mind

Health: A State of Mind

By Dr. Val


Health has more to do with state of mind than most people realize. It is possible to actually think oneself into illness, merely by feeling it. Monks in Tibet are not the only ones who can raise their body temperature by many degrees and get a cold wet sheet steaming!  Most children can do that, especially when they really don't want to go to school that day. That was my favorite trick used to convince my mom (the nurse) that I really should not go to school. Convinced that I wasn't really ill, she would whip out that thermometer, only to find that indeed, there was quite a fever present. Mom was always amazed at how quickly the fever abated by the end of the day.


At one point in my life I had all the symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis). A long-time meditator, I decided I really didn't have time in my life for such a disease. Getting to the core of the issue in meditation, I discovered that I was angry; really myself. Working on forgiving myself for being a chump yet again, I also forgave whoever was the perpetrator of my anger. That was the end of all of the MS symptoms and my clue that MS is anger turned inwards.


The body is very mysterious in its' ways; it works with the Non-local Mind to give us clues on the path of evolution. We can literally think ourselves into disease states, albeit usually unconsciously. Alice Bailey's book Who's The Matter With Me? And Louise Hays' series point out how this happens to all of us. If you are wondering if I am saying that we cause our diseases, let me be blunt about it: yes. Deal with are the only one who really can.

Every disease we get is there for a reason and will stay there, and even kill us, if we refuse to pay attention to what it is trying to tell us. Even genetic diseases are in this category. A lot of people don't want to hear this and might get very angry at someone for saying this, but that doesn't change the truth. If we can just look at what we receive as a gift/lesson, we can use that disease to get beyond some issue that may have been a problem for several lifetimes.


My own knowledge of this came through my NDE's (Near Death Experiences), when I was shown how the Universe and life on Earth works. When one is on the Other Side, this is all easy and makes sense. Back in the body, it is all difficult and makes very little sense. It has to do with being able to see the Big Picture. Now every illness serves as a reminder to me to stop and pay attention to my life. The weird thing is, my body starts talking to me well in advance of the illness appearing. Multiple warnings are given, then-WHAM!-illness hits if I have ignored the warnings. Now if I need a few days of rest, I just take them. I cancel social gatherings and anything else I can, whatever I need to do to get more rest. When you love yourself AND your body, you learn to take care of respect yourself. You are the only one of you in Existence!


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Finding Other (Weird) Causes of Disease Brings Healing

Finding Other (Weird) Causes of Disease Brings Healing

Finding Other (Weird) Causes of Disease Brings Healing

By Dr. Val


Having a disease of some kind is bad enough but having one that is unable to be diagnosed and cured is even worse. Millions of people are running around out there with an incorrect diagnosis, being victimized twice: first by being labeled with something that is other than what the label fits and second by feeling worse and worse as the condition goes untreated. Why does this happen? There are several reasons, not the least of which could be the rapidly changing conditions on the planet. While some might think it ridiculous, the simple fact of our planet warming up by a couple degrees could be enough to cause a problem. Even though it’s happening along with all the other planets in our solar system (it's solar system warming, not global warming), by the same few degrees, that can allow different organisms to flourish in the environment--and sometimes WE are the environment for those organisms.


There are also over 3,000 chemicals around us that we are in contact with on a daily basis; this has never happened before. Basically, no one knows what the future holds for humanity when living in such conditions. With our air, water and food polluted by toxic substances never meant to enter the body, who knows what will happen? There are other factors to consider also, such as the power of the mind over the physical body. People can actually think themselves into strange incurable illnesses. While there are ample pharmaceutical “answers” to such a dilemma, as well as thousands of psychologists who would be more than happy to assist such sufferers, that might not be enough either.


The spiritual realm also needs to be considered when strange diseases manifest. As the veils between our dimension and others continue to thin, people and animals can be infected with other-worldly attachments, in a sort of vampirism. Those things termed Shadow-people, ET's and inter-dimensionals can actually feed off the energy of third-dimension dwellers (us). The more emotional one gets about fearful things, the more food provided to these energy-suckers. The simple solution to that is to develop and remain in peace and keep the environment calm and clean.

While some of these reasons may seem odd and impossible, if not addressed in the strange, recalcitrant cases of physical disease, the patient may never get healthy. As a physician who is aware of such oddities--and who brings many people to health by dealing with them--I can tell you that I have been witness to the efficacy of employing ancient healing techniques to deal with these strange afflictions. We are both privileged and puzzled by the things that happen to us and the beings we care about; it's all part of our well-rounded education.This is a truly amazing, wonderful, and stranger-than-fiction world...enjoy it!


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved World

Feeling Alone?

Feeling Alone?

Feeling Alone?

By Dr. Val


There are so many people out there who feel alone, from little old ladies who keep too many cats, to teenagers who contemplate suicide, thinking that no one will ever love them. We all come into this world alone and then get spit into a frenzy of activity. We have people all our lives that won't leave us alone, and yet so many still think they are alone? Holey moley many people do you need to have in your lives to feel 'not alone'? If you really want to feel as if you are a part of something, then become a part of something. Start with a club or some kind of gathering of like minds. From there friendships may occur and perhaps love will evolve.


The basic construct of all humans is that we want to love and be loved in return. Remember that Bob Marley song "Could You Be Love? Then Be Love!" and learn to love yourself first. When you learn to truly love your self, you will discover there is no loneliness. In most cases, ‘alone’ is a choice. In order to be with another person and truly love them, one must love ones self first. How can you give love if you do not have it? This is one reason that so many people have pets; they are seeking to know how to love. Our pets give us that unconditional love that we know we are missing here. Start slow and easy; give a kind word to someone in passing, look them in the eyes and really smile. Feel that soul connection that happens and see the light in their eyes as they realize you are seeking to give them the gift of recognition: "in Lak-ech" (I am another yourself).


One does not come out of feeling alone by sitting alone in the house. Go out and engage with others of like mind; find a hobby or an interest that can be shared with others. Go volunteer where people need someone to talk with or abandoned animals need to be cared for. Whatever you can find that helps you to come out of your shell and become a part of the world, do that. Instead of sitting home alone on the computer, moaning about how alone you feel, get off your butt and go do something with other people. Go learn something, help someone, or just hang out with some like-minded people. Learn about your self and start to appreciate the uniqueness of who you are...there is only one of you in the entire world. Only you have the attributes you exhibit, no one else. As a unique human, you have something to offer the world. Even if you don't hit it off right away with most of the people out there, don't give up. Find the group you resonate with or learn how to interact with others in a socially acceptable manner. Hint: stay away from political crap; it only leads to anger and depression. Work on yourself. Refuse to be isolated. Get new, helpful knowledge or skills and help others. You can always improve and become more; just don't give up on yourself.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Bodygram Are You Listening

Bodygram Are You Listening

Bodygram! Are You Listening?

By Dr. Val


Ignoring warnings from the psyche comes with a heavy penalty. If life is not being lived as it was meant to and there is no joy, the psyche tries to warn of the need for a change. That warning usually comes in bodily illness. At first softly whispered, such as fatigue or insomnia or a lack of enthusiasm, when ignored, the warnings increase in intensity, such as colds, flu and the inception of chronic disease states. If warnings continue to be ignored, terminal disease or injuries occur.


The people who ignore their inner warning system are usually those who are 'too busy' to slow down and pay attention to the direction they are going in life. They push aside family and friends in pursuit of money or addictions. In an insane rush of gathering too many unimportant things, they wander far from their path...a path that was chosen before they were born, when still in Spirit. Some may scoff at such an idea, but those who have had a conscious NDE (Near Death Experience) know the truth of this pre-birth plan.


When the body starts to have an illness or injury, it is usually an attempt to capture the attention of the errant Spirit inhabiting the body. If attention is turned to the deeper cause of the problem, the problem goes away, "miraculously.”  It isn't so miraculous when you consider everything was set up that way, as a sort of early warning system, to keep us on track. Not all paths are alike; some people contract contagious illnesses while others take care of the ill and never get sick (ever wondered about that?). Some die in a horrible accident while some walk away without a scratch. Usually the person who is unscathed is either needing a course correction or living life fully on their path; they are truly alive.


Hypnotists who take people into deep trance state can access that inner part--the deep subconscious mind--and find the true causes of the problems. Every individual can find this out for themselves too, by examining the circumstances around the beginning of an illness or injury. For instance: if big pustules suddenly develop in the inner portion of the eyelid, and only on one eye, contemplation of the circumstances might reveal the cause. The side tells you who, the problem tells you how you feel about it and the circumstance tells you why. What did you not want to see, involving a male or female (right or left side) and how do you really feel about what happened?


Those who know Louise Hays' work, and before her, Alice Bailey and Madame Blavatsky, know how to use this system of discovery. The jewel of paying attention to how the body talks to the consciousness is the power of removing the effects of illness or injury. Address the problem, deal with it, and there is no more need for the physical effect. One "miracle" comin' right up! Depending on how far and deep-seated the illness or injury goes, it could be something that resolves overnight or it could take a few years. Learn to listen to what the body is trying to say. Pay attention to what is happening in your life and allow yourself to be guided to a fuller, happier life.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide



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